NOS vs. e-commerce directories
- High performance search engine (1000s queries/sec)
- Serves Web clients outside the firewall with standards-based security
- Scales to 10’s of thousands
- Moderate performance (10 queries/second)
- Serves Win32, Novell clients with proprietary security such as Microsoft Kerberos or Netware PKI)
- Focus of applications that do go on the Net is very different from what it used to be (these are the standard points made in the slide that we have been making for the past year about scalability, reliability , availability, and integration across applications)
- E-Commerce, although a rapidly growing marketplace, is still very young and is dominated by early adopters. The mainstream of corporate America still has not made it onto the web.
- The reason they have not made it onto the Net is that in 1998, it was not an easy thing to do. You had to be willing to absorb some pain, that is what early adopters do, they pave the way for others. (next slide)